
Luxury vinyl

Flooring with a new feeling: luxurious vinyl flooring with a structural effect and a surprising transparent quality. An innovative and high-octane design solution for home or office floors. Heavy duty and beautiful at the same time

»The perfect expression of the will to design minimalistically is found in this flooring. «Hadi Teherani

Clarity, reduction in form and the impression of depth all played a special role for the custom-made flooring at Hamburg’s Deichtor-Center complex, where the architectural bureau BRT also had its headquarters. The reason: The entire building distinguishes itself due to transparency and the idea of a harmonious unity of materials and design. That’s why it was decisive during the development phase for Transparency to design the flooring as part of a complex ‘synthesis of the arts’ while taking the interactions of floor, wall, ceiling and furniture into consideration.

Project Factsheet

Market Launch2002

2002 - Auszeichnungen in der Kategorie ‘Synthese - Architekt und Industrie in Zusammenarbeit’
2002 - Innovationspreis Architektur und Präsentation der AIT
2002 - Innovationspreis Architektur und Bauwesen der AIT
2002 - Innovationspreis Architektur und Boden der AIT