Urban space, architecture, interior design, product design and communication design are inseparable.

From left to right: Anja Sorger (Senior Designer, Art Direction), Nicola Sigl (Head of Interior), Dr. Christian Bergmann (Partner and Head of Architecture), Hadi Teherani, Sebastian Appl (Partner and Head of Architecture), Elke Malek (Head of Product Design)
From left to right: Anja Sorger (Senior Designer, Art Direction), Nicola Sigl (Head of Interior), Dr. Christian Bergmann (Partner and Head of Architecture), Hadi Teherani, Sebastian Appl (Partner and Head of Architecture), Elke Malek (Head of Product Design)© Martin Mai

»My holistic approach repeatedly challenges me to push the boundaries of my designs.« Hadi Teherani

Hadi Teherani

Hadi Teherani – born in Tehran in 1954, grew up in Hamburg – is an extremely productive and diverse, internationally awarded German architect and designer. His work is executed regardless of borders in every respect, transcending nationalities and specialist disciplines. The projects target atmospheric charisma, emotional urgency and an ecologically sound sustainability that is already laid out in the design. The first “green” railway station in Germany at Frankfurt Airport and the Cologne “Crane Houses” on the banks of the River Rhine have become effective landmarks to a large extent like many international projects. In his unusually far-reaching competence from architecture to urban planning, to interior and product design, compositions succeed in which all elements interact harmoniously. Abu Dhabi, Berlin, Dubai, Hamburg, Istanbul, Copenhagen, Rome and Tehran are some of the metropolitan cities for which plans are being drawn up, as well as Moscow and Mumbai. The e-bike, the conference table (Thonet), leather seating furniture (Walter Knoll), a modular kitchen (Poggenpohl), lights (Zumtobel/ Prolicht), showrooms and flagship stores (Kiton) likewise belong to the catalogue of works, just as high-rise buildings, corporate centres, council offices, shopping worlds, stock markets, railway stations, schools and universities. In recent years particularly innovative concepts for sustainable urban residential construction have been developed and realised. At the end of 2020 Hadi Teherani was decorated with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for his achievements in the fields of architecture and design. Download Vita


f.l.t.r.: Dr. Christian Bergmann (Partner and Head of Architecture), Hadi Teherani (Principal), Sebastian Appl (Partner and Head of Architecture)
f.l.t.r.: Dr. Christian Bergmann (Partner and Head of Architecture), Hadi Teherani (Principal), Sebastian Appl (Partner and Head of Architecture)

Our architecture is characterized by a holistic, urban approach and top-class design. The “Green Building” and “DGNB” evaluation standards, and a consideration for long-term lifecycles, are the foundations upon which our buildings are designed.

For us the fascination and challenge lie in linking the client’s desires with site-specific requirements, anticipation for flexibility in the future and sustainability, tying economic and ecological awareness together. Functionality, efficiency and sustainability are essential to our work. We expand on these foundations to create long-term usability that is based on emotional connections with an architectural space. our designs should arouse feelings and continue the concept of urban design with distinctiveness and sensitivity. By following these principles, we have received numerous awards, created numerous innovations and built a reliable reputation among our clients. Hadi Teherani’s concept of “Living Bridges,” which span waterways and connect urban districts, are an example of this.


© Rainer Taepper

The Hadi Teherani Interior GmbH develops room concepts with an atmosphere that conveys emotions and provides identity.

All interior design projects are based on a holistic approach that distinguishes the work of Hadi Teherani. Together with our clients, we collaborate on individual solutions for each location and its intended purpose. Led by this principle, the HT Interior team offers not only conception, design and planning, but also the comprehensive know-how of Hadi Teherani’s professional experience. Whether in private homes, hotels, exhibitions, shops, offices or academic institutions, our interiors always result in something unique.


Product Design

© Rainer Taepper

Hadi Teherani’s product design is distinguished by innovative ideas, emotional expression and a specific architectural language.

Sustainability and longevity are as essential as the value our designs add to the finished product. Conception, development, the realization of a prototype and a product’s launch all originate from the same source. Numerous customized solutions for notable companies including Agrob Buchtal, Hewi, Fischbacher, FSB, Interstuhl, Mirage, Prolicht, Thonet, Wagner and Zumtobel can be attributed to the success of our conceptual work. Our many awards reflect the popularity of our product designs with the public, as well as experts.

Communication Design

© Rainer Taepper


What arises with the consistent pooling of decisive management services from one source is a stable and highly capable project organisation that provides sustainable advantages for the builder. From construction management straight through to staffing the technical project manager in charge, Hadi Teherani Consultants offers all essential deliverables towards realising the building project.

Planning is readily optimised in the early project phases for achieving your targeted ojectives with regard to costs, deadlines and quality by our experienced building managers; value engineering from the very start. As needed, this performance packet can be expanded by adding real-estate business services such as due diligence, appraisements and feasibility studies, as well as additional project development services.



We plan and build with the sun. Hadi Teherani Solar brings creative form design in line with the greatest possible efficiency. Which equally includes integrating photovoltaics into your building: aesthetic and functional.

Thanks to experience gained over years, our concepts are closely intertwined with how society has evolved in terms of environmental protection and renewable green energies. To us, photovoltaics are not only a valuable energy supplier but a contribution towards relieving the burden on the environment. Double today’s global energy demand could be met with solar energy alone. We accompany you on the path to investment in photovoltaics: proposal and consulting, financing, construction supervision and follow-up support – all from one source.



© Rainer Taepper

"Connecting people emotionally to their home and place of work, and creating an atmosphere of identification and inspiration, requires more than just architectural space. Architecture provides the basic foundation for a spatial idea. But only the realisation of a complex design idea - from the smallest room furnishing to the identity of an entire company - can provide a comprehensive overall design concept. Through the synthesis of architecture and design, a successful composition can evolve to create an atmospherically perfect room. This is why I, as an architect, prefer to work without borders. By collaborating under one roof at the Elbe River Lofthouse, the Hadi Teherani Group is able to think in a comprehensive manner by using all synergies of the group to advise, design and realize every aspect of a project. My clients benefit from a comprehensive range of advisory services that are customised for each individual case, but can also be enhanced or redefined at any time" Hadi Teherani

Within our headquarters, closely connected yet individually organised on separate floors, clients will find a network of experts from the worlds of architecture, interior design, product design and consulting who provide solutions for design, communication and organisation. This environment enables Hadi Teherani to create living space not only partially, but also comprehensively and in its entirety, using an innovative approach to urban design via architecture and interior spaces that are inspired by their atmosphere. Both clients and partners are offered extensive advisory services with synergism that has repeatedly created award-winning solutions achieving international acclaim in both architecture and design.


Across all the teams involved, our work is marked by an inquisitiveness towards complex constellations of issues, by an enthusiasm for out-of-the-ordinary approaches that transcend the limits of specialised fields, by a passion for innovations that never lose sight of our benchmark focal points economy and ecology, sustainability and lasting value retention.

Job Opportunities

If you are interested in working with Hadi Teherani Architects, Interior, or Design but don’t see a suitable job opening, feel free to submit an open application. We will review your profile when a relevant opportunity arises.


Headquarter Hamburg

Offices national & international