ConceptHamburg, GermanyThe Senate has grand aspirations fort the international metropolises as Barcelona, Toronto, and Sydney. In fact, this claim is hardly far-fetched: In Europe, only central London is economically stronger than Hamburg. Among the great visions to unite the city are: the expansion oft he Hafen-City and the business side by an area of 100 hectares of land and 50 hectares of water; and the gradual integration oft he entire region with branched-off waterways in the south oft the city. The waterside, rising from a swamp to an urban skyline, is the greatest emotional amplifier of a specific Hamburg feeling, an ecstasy of space that is captured time and again on film, but whose visionary character is still missing in architectural form as a companion tot he Köhlbrand Bridge. The „Flying Dutchman,“ the fastest train in the world, linked Hamburg with the capital as early as 1932. Designed in the shape of a drop of water, the project complements the streamlined shape oft he famous express train locomotive. With the 288-meter-high lighthouse-unique in its dimensions in all of Europe, and complete with planning claim which, in contrast tot he dictated creative wasteland of Berlin, has long since been realized in numerous spectacular elements oft he city. The skyscrapers, necessary for an ecological city density even after „9/11,“ make the charm and the risk oft he city more visible than any other form of construction. Their zooming between the larger perspective (toward the North Sea) and minute detail, between world standards and individual responsibility, is essential.
»Architecture has to fit in with its urban surroundings, it has to evoke emotions and create identity. «