FSB 1183

Door and window fittings

Sleek and minimalist in its aesthetic vocabulary – a true manifestation of a designer’s skills. The innovation of FSB 1183 radically reduces the choice in handle models.

With FSB 1183 Hadi Teherani breaks with handed-down ways of thinking. For framed doors we are all familiar with stand-alone, cranked handle designs on the bolt-through side and a standard grip on the opposite side: the so-called “Wittgenstein’s solution”. Hadi Teherani radically reduces the variety in these types of handles. He resolves the function of the cranked type of door handle – namely, to reduce the risk of getting jammed on the bolt-through side of the framed door – by shifting the handle’s fulcrum to the left. In turn, the version for emergency doors obtains its return position in a similarly radical way: Hadi Teherani simply adds a third to the grip placed at a right angle to the main handle.

Project Factsheet

Market Launch2008