New Classics

Parquet edition

Herringbone convinces time and again due to its ‘classic’ qualities as a pattern, and is highly regarded as a statement of timeless good taste. The Parquet Edition entitled French Oak adopts this theme in a fascinating way. Using only two types of wood, natural oak and fumed oak, and only two diffferent strip widths, the French Oak edition opens up a multitude of possibilities for designing that had never existed before. The dynamics of the floor and its effect on a space orient themselves according to the way the modules have been respectively combined – from the classic herringbone in light or dark, all the way to new, undreamt-of and exciting looks. The geometric options bring contemporary elegance and flow to any room using the most minimal means. They convince as a consequence of their clear-cut aesthetics and incomparable multifacetedness in terms of both geometry and colours. In the end, a floor all its own is created: In light of all the individuality displayed, a floor that is surprisingly new, sets standards, and has truly been thought out down to the last detail.

»What a poet is able to express in words can be equally expressed by an architect and designer using materials, colours and shapes within a space. «Hadi Teherani

Project Factsheet


2014 - IF product design award (for French Oak Mixed)
2014 - Interior Innovation Award - Winner (for French Oak Mixed)

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