Loft building at Elbberg

Office buildingHamburg, Germany

The area around Hamburg’s Elbberg is characterised by contrasts: the water of the Elbe on the South, and the Altonaer Balkon (a steeply sloping precipice on the north); from the harbour’s fishery buildings and the surrounding office buildings. The prize-winning lofthaus on the Großen Elbstraße reacts to the various contextual issues. The fanning glass facade on the south side forms associations with the lightness of water, in strong contrast to the more massive, green, copper facade on the land-side of the building. The building stands on columns, which serve to provide protection from flooding and at the same time they emphasise the delicacy and lightness of the south facade. The architects managed to provide 2800 square metres of floorspace onto the extremely tapered, 450 square metre wedge-shaped site. With it’s striking appearance and it’s open planning, the lofthaus is an outstanding part of the urban development plan, which aims to generate a ‘pearl necklace’ of noteworthy architectural objects of flexible use, along this stretch of the Elbe.

»We built a gross floor area of 2,800 square meters over a 400-square-meter traffic island. «Hadi Teherani

Project Factsheet

LocationHamburg, Germany
Start of Construction1996
BuilderDWI Grundbesitz GmbH, Hamburg
Gross Floor Area3,340 sqm

Bauwerk des Jahres 1997 - AIV Architekten- und Ingenieurverein Hamburg e.V.; BDA Hamburg Architekturpreis 1999 - 1. Preisrang

Project Team

Mathias Eichler, Christian Feck, Ralf Grigoleit, Martin Hecht, Markus Heller, Andreas Jochum, Maurice Paulussen, Tatjana Pietsch, Kerstin Pietzsch, Erik Recke, Anja Richter, Stefanie Schoell, Berthold Staber, Monica Tackenberg, Christina Tibi, Yvonne van Tienhoven, Fariba Vossoughinia, Birgit Wagenknecht

Image CopyrightKlaus Frahm, Hamburg