Exhibition stand at Expo RealMunich, GermanyThe functions termed stroll about, inform, research and communicate congregate at this exposition booth as if etched onto the blueprint of a metropolis at a bustling intersection filled with pictorial and text information on the building façades. The urbane framework made of lightweight, cloud-like screen backdrops – equally interpreted as the architectural background – along with the more stable base of buildings beneath add up to form a surprising user interface in the portrayal of a familiar urban situation. The trade fair’s theme and the accessibility of specific information are united into one and the same tableaux. The audiovisual presentation of the projects reaches out beyond any individual screen and is articulated three-dimensionally in the backdrops. Vision and practical application converge on the concourse for trade-fair visitors. The crossing, symbolic for city, becomes an emblem for information and exchange, even for a new, more modern image of the city. Accordingly, service functions are integrated into the implied streetcorner buildings within this city. Though in principle reciprocally exclusive, the dimensions ‘experience city and architecture’ and ‘get to know more about both’ are offered as congruent. The appeal of one level respectively enhances the appeal of the other. The visitors to the trade fair become the performers of their own urban zeal.